Living with nine girls the last few years has exposed me to the very complicated, hilarious, and
often disappointing world of Tinder and other social dating apps. I have always looked at these profiles and thought that the men on them can't be serious. Shirtless selfies in the mirror and captions that could make me gag. And then there are the catfishes, the kind boys who lovebomb, and the other interesting characters that appear on their profiles, begging for a chance. I decided to highlight my sassy, beautiful, majestic dog Bailey and create a "dog Tinder", Woof, where she can find a man... or not. I decided to spend most of my time personifying dogs into the different types of men that regularly use dating sites. I had a lot of fun with this project, creating outcomes and responses that I probably would have if I were exploring Tinder. I hope Bailey finds love, but Woof might not be the answer.